Selected presentations

Selected Conferences and Seminars


International Risk Conference (June 24-25), Bocconi School of Management, Milan, Italy: "Reason Behind Words: OPEC Narrative and the Oil Markets"

North American Summer Meeting of Econometric Society (June 13-16), Vanderbilt University, Nashville, USA: "What Make Econometric Ideas Popular: The Role of Connectivity"

African Econometric Society (June 5-8), ENSEA Abidjan: "What Make Econometric Ideas Popular: The Role of Connectivity"

8th International Workshop on Financial Markets and Nonlinear Dynamics (May 30-31), Paris: "Reason Behind Words: OPEC Narrative and the Oil Markets"

The 2024 RCEA International Conference on Economics, Econometrics and Finance (May 20-22), Brunel University London: "Reason Behind Words: OPEC Narrative and the Oil Markets"

OPEC-Lecture series, (April 4): "Reason Behind Words: OPEC Narrative and the Oil Markets"

CRED Seminar, Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas (Feb 6): "Don't Lead Me This Way: Central Bank Guidance in the Age of Climate Change"

4th Italian Workshop of Econometrics and Empirical Economics: "Climate and Energy Econometrics" (Jan 25-26), Free Univ Bolzano: "Reason Behind Words: OPEC Narrative and the Oil Markets"


16th International Conference Computational and Financial Econometrics (Dec 16-18, 2023), HTW Berlin: "Reason Behind Words: OPEC Narrative and the Oil Markets"

Climate & Energy Finance Conference (Nov 3-4, 2023), Leibniz University: "Don't Lead Me That Way: Central Bank Guidance at the Age of Climate Change"

21ème Journée d'Econometrie appliquée à la Finance (Nov 16, 2023) University Paris Nanterre: "Reason Behind Words: OPEC Narrative and the Oil Markets"

GRASFI Annual Conference (Aug 23-25, 2023), Yale University: "Don't Lead Me That Way: Central Bank Guidance at the Age of Climate Change"

ACPR-Banque de France Seminar (Feb 29, 2023): "Don't Lead Me That Way: Central Bank Guidance at the Age of Climate Change"

CEMA Annual Meeting (June 21-22, 2022), Chicago: "Reason Behind Words: OPEC Narrative and the Oil Markets"

The 6th Commidity Markets Winter Workshop (Jan 28-29, 2022), Austria: "Reason Behind Words: OPEC Narrative and the Oil Markets"


SNDE; Financial Markets and Nonlinear Dynamics (FNMD); IAAE; EcoMod; Banque de France; Bank of Japan.


IAAE; Euro Working Group; Computational and Financial Econometrics; Kent University; MIFN; AMSE-Greqam; Banque de France; Bank of England; Banco de Espana


Computational and Financial Econometrics; MIFN; USAEE/IAEE North American conference; Banque de France; European Economic Association; Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei; Dauphine University; U. Paris; Utrecht U.; Luxembourg U.; AFSE.


IAEE; European IAEE; USAEE/IAEE; U. Paris; AFSE.